※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Development of transmission charged-particle detectors using thin-film diamond for the real-time observation of single-ion-hitting

加田 渉; Grilj, V.*; Skukan, N.*; 佐藤 隆博; 牧野 高紘; 小野田 忍; 江夏 昌志; 大島 武; Jak$v{s}$i$'c$, M.*; 神谷 富裕

Kada, Wataru; Grilj, V.*; Skukan, N.*; Sato, Takahiro; Makino, Takahiro; Onoda, Shinobu; Koka, Masashi; Oshima, Takeshi; Jak$v{s}$i$'c$, M.*; Kamiya, Tomihiro


Transmission particle detectors using thin-film diamond which could have role of beam-extraction window of the heavy ion microbeam line of AVF Cyclotron placed at TARRI, JAEA. The in-situ observation technique using this kind of detectors was newly developed for the individual detection of single-hit of these heavy ions with energy of several MeV used for the research of single ion hit(event) in the living bio-cell or semiconductor devices. In this study, two types of the detectors using spectroscopic-detector-grade poly- and single-crystalline diamond films with thickness of upper 50 $$mu$$m were examined, respectively. In the experiments, the detectors were irradiated by MeV energy alpha-particles from radioisotope sources and also by heavy ion microbeams at TARRI of JAEA and RBI. It was examined that the thin-film single-crystalline diamond detector respond to particle irradiation with energy of several MeV better, in respect of the energy resolution and the detection efficiency.



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