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 年 ~ 

Isotope-selective ionization using four-pulse alignment


赤木 浩; 笠嶋 辰也; 熊田 高之   ; 板倉 隆二; 横山 淳; 長谷川 宗良*; 大島 康裕*

Akagi, Hiroshi; Kasajima, Tatsuya; Kumada, Takayuki; Itakura, Ryuji; Yokoyama, Atsushi; Hasegawa, Hirokazu*; Oshima, Yasuhiro*


We have proposed a laser isotope separation method utilizing molecular alignment and non-resonant multiphoton ionization, and demonstrated isotope-selective ionization of $$^{14}$$N$$_{2}$$ and $$^{15}$$N$$_{2}$$ isotopomers. In the present work, we use a train of four identical pulses to create rotational wave packets in the isotopomers. When we set the pulse interval to 125.7 ps, which corresponds to the fifteenth full revival of $$^{14}$$N$$_{2}$$ and the fourteenth full revival of $$^{15}$$N$$_{2}$$, we obtained ca. two-times higher selectivity than that in the one-pulse alignment case.



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