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Oxidation behavior of UO$$_{2}$$ pellet at 673 - 1923 K


鈴木 紀一  ; 砂押 剛雄*; McClellan, K. J.*; 加藤 正人   

Suzuki, Kiichi; Sunaoshi, Takeo*; McClellan, K. J.*; Kato, Masato

In a loss of coolant severe accident of a reactor core or a spent fuel pool, fuel pins are breached and oxidized at high temperatures. It was reported that oxidation of UO$$_{2}$$ pellets caused pulverization of the pellet and significant evaporation of UO$$_{3}$$ species. It is expected that those behaviors cause to spread the nuclear materials to environment. Therefore, understanding the oxidation behavior of UO$$_{2}$$ pellets is needed. In this preliminary investigation, oxidation behavior of UO$$_{2}$$ pellets was systematically investigated at wide range temperatures.



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