※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Separation and recovery of Cm from Cm-Pu mixed oxide samples containing Am impurity


林 博和 ; 萩谷 弘通; Kim, S.-Y.*; 森田 泰治  ; 赤堀 光雄; 湊 和生 

Hayashi, Hirokazu; Hagiya, Hiromichi; Kim, S.-Y.*; Morita, Yasuji; Akabori, Mitsuo; Minato, Kazuo


$$^{244}$$Cm was separated and recovered as an oxalate from $$^{244}$$Cm-$$^{240}$$Pu mixed oxide which had been $$^{244}$$Cm oxide sample prepared 40 years ago. Plutonium ions were removed from the solution prepared by dissolution of $$^{244}$$Cm-$$^{240}$$Pu mixed oxide in nitric acid, by using an anion exchange resin column. Curium oxalate, a precursor compound of curium oxide, was prepared from the purified curium solution and supplied for the syntheses and measurements of the thermochemical properties of curium compounds.



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分野:Chemistry, Analytical



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