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Intranuclear cascade with emission of light fragment code implemented in the transport code system PHITS


澤田 雄介*; 魚住 祐介*; 野ヶ峯 翔*; 山田 剛広*; 岩元 洋介   ; 佐藤 達彦   ; 仁井田 浩二*

Sawada, Yusuke*; Uozumi, Yusuke*; Nogamine, Sho*; Yamada, Takehiro*; Iwamoto, Yosuke; Sato, Tatsuhiko; Niita, Koji*


The Intranuclear cascade with emission of light fragment (INC-ELF) code has been developed and implemented in the particle and heavy ion transport code system (PHITS). The INC-ELF code explicitly includes nucleon correlations within the framework of the INC model to describe light fragment emissions from nuclear spallation reactions. In addition to the degrees of freedom of nucleons, the developed code also accounts for pions, $$Delta$$$$s$$ and $$N$$$$^{*}$$$$s$$, and it can cover the energy range up to 3 GeV. The predictive capabilities of the ELF/PHITS system have been verified through comparison with a diverse set of experimental observations. As a result, our ELF/PHITS code has demonstrated strong predictive capability for all of these data, although areas requiring future study remain due to the lack of experimental data on high-energy cluster production.



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分野:Instruments & Instrumentation



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