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Study of cable ageing mechanism for nuclear power plant (Contract research)

瀬口 忠男*; 田村 清俊*; 渡士 克己; 鈴木 雅秀; 島田 明彦; 杉本 雅樹; 出崎 亮; 吉川 正人; 大島 武; 工藤 久明*

Seguchi, Tadao*; Tamura, Kiyotoshi*; Watashi, Katsumi; Suzuki, Masahide; Shimada, Akihiko; Sugimoto, Masaki; Idesaki, Akira; Yoshikawa, Masahito; Oshima, Takeshi; Kudo, Hisaaki*


The degradation mechanisms of ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR), crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE), polyvinylchloride (PVC), and silicone rubber (SiR) as the cable insulation materials were investigated for the cable ageing research of the nuclear power plant. The materials as same insulations for the practical cable (practical formulation) and as the model formulation containing specific additive were selected. They were exposed to the accelerated radiation and thermal environments. The mechanical properties, the crosslinking and chain scission, and the distribution of antioxidant and of oxidative products were measured and analyzed.



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