A Tree diagram for compiling a methodology to evaluate suitability of host rock for geological disposal
早野 明 ; 澤田 淳 ; 後藤 淳一*; 石井 英一* ; 守屋 俊文*; 稲垣 学*; 窪田 茂*; 江橋 健*
Hayano, Akira; Sawada, Atsushi; Goto, Junichi*; Ishii, Eiichi*; Moriya, Toshifumi*; Inagaki, Manabu*; Kubota, Shigeru*; Ebashi, Takeshi*
Detailed Investigation Areas have to be selected with focusing on suitability of the host rock in the siting process for high-level radioactive waste disposal in Japan. The suitability of the host rock is evaluated in terms of the preferable disposal condition such as thermal, hydraulic, mechanical and geochemical condition, and the feasibility of the geological disposal project relevant to volumetric capacity of host rock and economics, based on the site model. However, due to a limited number of surveys at relatively early stage of the investigation, the lack of understanding of geological environment at the site causes an uncertainty of the site model. It is essential to clarify an association the important factors relevant to safety assessment (SA) and a repository design (Design) with the information obtained by the site investigation through the site model. In this study, the methodology not only for defining evaluation factors relevant to SA in term of hydrogeology, but also for visualizing the methods to evaluate the factors through the site model is organized into a tree diagram. A method to evaluate groundwater travel time which is one of evaluation factors in granitic rock is organized into a first version of the tree diagram.