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 年 ~ 

High-temperature X-ray imaging study of simulated high-level waste glass melt


岡本 芳浩  ; 中田 正美  ; 赤堀 光雄; 駒嶺 哲*; 福井 寿樹*; 越智 英治*; 仁谷 浩明*; 野村 昌治*

Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Nakada, Masami; Akabori, Mitsuo; Komamine, Satoshi*; Fukui, Toshiki*; Ochi, Eiji*; Nitani, Hiroaki*; Nomura, Masaharu*


The molten state of simulated high-level waste glass and the behavior of ruthenium element in the melt were investigated by using synchrotron radiation based X-ray imaging technique. Melting, generating and moving of bubbles, condensation and sedimentation of ruthenium element were observed dynamically in continuous 12-bit gray-scale images from the CCD camera. X-ray intensity was obtained easily by digitizing gray-scale values in the image. The existence of ruthenium element is emphasized as a black color in the CCD image at X-ray energy higher than the Ru K-absorption edge. Position sensitive imaging X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) measurement was also performed to clarify the chemical state of ruthenium element in the melt.



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