Oxidation behavior of UO
in air
鈴木 紀一
; Nelson, A. T.*; 砂押 剛雄*; McClellan, K.*; 加藤 正人

Suzuki, Kiichi; Nelson, A. T.*; Sunaoshi, Takeo*; McClellan, K.*; Kato, Masato
粉末の空気中における酸化挙動について、広範な温度領域で調べた。保持温度673K-1073Kでは、酸化によるペレットの破砕が確認された。一方、1273K以上では 破砕は見られなかった。保持温度773Kにおけるペレットの酸化速度は、保持温度873Kのものより早かった。これは、773Kと873Kでは酸化のメカニズムが異なっていることを示している。保持温度1723K以上では、ある程度試料の重量が増加した後、重量減少が見られ、この重量減少速度からUO
In a reactor core or a spent fuel pool loss of coolant accident, fuel cladding may be breached and cause rapid oxidation of UO
pellets. Oxidation of UO
results in pulverization of the pellet and significant evaporation of UO
, possibly leading to spread of nuclear material to the environment. Therefore, understanding the oxidation behavior of UO
is an important factor. In this study, the oxidation behavior of UO
pellets and powders in air was investigated over a wide temperature range. Isothermal oxidations were carried out from 673 to 1923 K. Oxidative pulverization was observed below 1073 K. The weight gain rate at 773 K was larger than that at 873 K, suggesting the oxidation mechanism might change in this regime. Rapid weight loss was observed above 1723 K. The vapor pressure of each phase in the U-O system was calculated, indicating that volatilization of UO
was likely responsible for the measured weight loss. The evaporation rate of UO
for a urania pellet was then evaluated.