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 年 ~ 

Verification and validation procedures of calculation codes for determining corrosive conditions in the BWR primary cooling system based on water radiolysis and mixed potential models


内田 俊介*; 和田 陽一*; 山本 誠二*; 高木 純一*; 久宗 健志*

Uchida, Shunsuke*; Wada, Yoichi*; Yamamoto, Seiji*; Takagi, Junichi*; Hisamune, Kenji*


ECP in the BWR primary cooling system can be measured only in the restricted region. In order to determine ECP at any location, ECP should be evaluated by computer simulation codes consisting of water radiolysis models to determine the concentrations of corrosive radiolytic species and mixed potential models to determine ECP based on corrosive species. Mitigation of SCC crack growth rate due to decreasing ECP can be authorized by the JSME Standards, while mitigation of ECP due to hydrogen addition has not been authorized yet. In the paper, standard procedures to authorize the computer simulation codes based on the verification and validation method are proposed. The numerical justification of every code applied as a standard code should be verified and its accuracy and applicability for plant analysis should be validated. Benchmark problems for verification processes are proposed and comparison of the calculated results with the measured ones for the plant of evaluation is required.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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