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Luminescence spectroscopy as versatile probes for chemical diagnostics on the solid-liquid interface


青柳 登   ; 斉藤 拓巳*

Aoyagi, Noboru; Saito, Takumi*

Observation of the chemical properties such as the composition, distribution, structure, species, and surface reactions of solid materials has been an indispensable issue in various fields of science and engineering such as materials chemistry, environmental geochemistry, photochemistry, catalysis, or chemical synthesis. Physicochemical processes in heterogeneous systems involving solid surface interfaces differ from processes in homogeneous media. Such processes can be investigated using experimental methods that derive linear or non-linear responses to external stimuli by a pulsed laser. In this chapter, state-of-the-art laser-based analytical techniques for actinide chemistry at solid-liquid interfaces are reviewed. These techniques range from luminescence spectroscopy for static and dynamic phenomena to surface-sensitive spectroscopy, e.g. time-resolved infrared vibrational/luminescence spectroscopy and vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy, and subsequent advanced data analyses.



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