再処理施設における放射性物質の移行挙動に関する研究,7; ホット試験
Study on release and transport of aerial radioactive materials in reprocessing plant, 7; Hot test
山根 祐一
; 天野 祐希
; 柳田 佳徳; 川崎 泰; 佐藤 真人; 早坂 裕美; 田代 信介
; 阿部 仁
; 内山 軍蔵
; 上田 吉徳*; 藤根 幸雄*; 横塚 宗之*; 柴田 勇木*; 小玉 貴司*; 松岡 伸吾*
Yamane, Yuichi; Amano, Yuki; Yanagida, Yoshinori; Kawasaki, Yasushi; Sato, Makoto; Hayasaka, Hiromi; Tashiro, Shinsuke; Abe, Hitoshi; Uchiyama, Gunzo; Ueda, Yoshinori*; Fujine, Sachio*; Yokotsuka, Muneyuki*; Shibata, Yuki*; Kodama, Takashi*; Matsuoka, Shingo*
The release and transport characteristics of radioactive materials at a boiling accident of the high active liquid waste (HALW) in a reprocessing plant have been studied for improving experimental data of source terms of the boiling accident. This paper describes an experiment using a small test device having an electric furnace, in which 100 mL of the HALW was heated from room temperature to 300
C and the amount of materials released during heating was measured. The amount of materials as a function of its initial concentration in the HALW is reported.