汚染水処理廃棄物の廃棄体化に向けたガラス固化適用性検討,8; 鉄リン酸塩ガラス固化体作製にかかる熱力学的考察
Applicability of vitrification method for waste generated from treatment of contaminated water, 8; Thermodynamic consideration on IPG waste forms production
天本 一平; 小林 秀和 ; 北村 直登*; 武部 博倫*; 三田村 直樹*; 都築 達也*
Amamoto, Ippei; Kobayashi, Hidekazu; Kitamura, Naoto*; Takebe, Hiromichi*; Mitamura, Naoki*; Tsuzuki, Tatsuya*
The immobilization method by iron phosphate glass (IPG) medium is one of the candidate techniques for manufacturing waste forms of sludge arising from the treatment of contaminated water at the stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant. In this paper, some thermodynamic values for the theoretical analysis of vitrification were estimated to make up the calculated phase diagrams. These calculated phase diagrams were then compared with experimental results.