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 年 ~ 

Enhancement of the cyclotron effective mass in U$$_{0.03}$$Th$$_{0.97}$$Ru$$_2$$Si$$_2$$


芳賀 芳範   ; 松本 裕司*; 立岩 尚之   ; 山本 悦嗣  ; 木村 憲彰*; 山村 朝雄*; Fisk, Z.

Haga, Yoshinori; Matsumoto, Yuji*; Tateiwa, Naoyuki; Yamamoto, Etsuji; Kimura, Noriaki*; Yamamura, Tomoo*; Fisk, Z.

We investigate the modification of the electronic state of ThRu$$_2$$Si$$_2$$ upon replacing non magnetic Th by U. We successfully observed the quantum oscillation signals from the Fermi surface. The observed Fermi surfaces did not show a significant change in size for the U$$_{0.03}$$Th$$_{0.97}$$Ru$$_2$$Si$$_2$$ sample. However the enhancement of the cyclotron effective mass demonstrates the hybridization of the 5$$f$$ states with the conduction bands.



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分野:Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical



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