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Possible method to observe the breathing mode of a magnetic domain wall in the Josephson junction


森 道康  ; 小椎八重 航*; 挽野 真一*; 前川 禎通

Mori, Michiyasu; Koshibae, Wataru*; Hikino, Shinichi*; Maekawa, Sadamichi

A magnetic domain wall (DW) behaves as a massive particle with elasticity. Sliding and oscillation of the DW have been observed experimentally, whereas vibration of a width in the DW, "breathing mode", has not been measured so far. We theoretically propose how to observe the breathing mode by the Josephson junction having a ferromagnetic layer between superconducting electrodes. The current-voltage ($$I$$-$$V$$) curve is calculated by an equivalent circuit of the resistively shunted junction model. The breathing mode is identified by stepwise structures in the $$I$$-$$V$$ curve, which appear at the voltages $$V$$=$$n(hbar/2e$$)$$omega$$ with the fundamental constant $$hbar/e$$, integer number $$n$$, and the frequency of the breathing mode $$omega$$.



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分野:Physics, Condensed Matter



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