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 年 ~ 

Speciation of iodine isotopes inside and outside of a contaminant plume at the Savannah River Site


Schwehr, K. A.*; 乙坂 重嘉  ; Merchel, S.*; Kaplan, D. I.*; Zhang, S.*; Xu, C.*; Li, H.-P.*; Ho, Y.-F.*; Yeager, C. M.*; Santschi, P. H.*; ASTER Team*

Schwehr, K. A.*; Otosaka, Shigeyoshi; Merchel, S.*; Kaplan, D. I.*; Zhang, S.*; Xu, C.*; Li, H.-P.*; Ho, Y.-F.*; Yeager, C. M.*; Santschi, P. H.*; ASTER Team*


A new, accurate and simple pH-dependent solvent extraction method combined with accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) measurement for $$^{129}$$I/$$^{127}$$I isotopes and iodine speciation (iodide, iodate, and organo-I) quantification in liquids of any ionic strength has been developed. We then validated the AMS method for activity concentration measurements with a recently developed gas chromatography mass spectrometry method for $$^{129}$$I concentrations of 1 Bq/L or higher. This technique was applied to $$^{129}$$I-contaminated groundwater from the Savannah River Site, USA, and demonstrated changes of $$^{129}$$I and $$^{127}$$I concentrations and speciation along a pH, redox potential, and organic carbon gradient. The data suggest that $$^{129}$$I/$$^{127}$$I and species distribution is strongly pH dependent. The new method can now be applied to a wide range of chemically-diverse aquatic systems, including uncontaminated environments.



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分野:Environmental Sciences



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