※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Difference in dynamics between F-actin and myosin S1 measured by neutron scattering


松尾 龍人; 荒田 敏昭*; 小田 俊郎*; 藤原 悟

Matsuo, Tatsuhito; Arata, Toshiaki*; Oda, Toshiro*; Fujiwara, Satoru


The dynamics of F-actin and myosin S1 were studied by quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS). QENS measurements were conducted on D$$_{2}$$O solution samples of F-actin and S1 at 300 K using AMATERAS in J-PARC. The QENS spectra of proteins were obtained by subtracting those of D$$_{2}$$O buffer from those of D$$_{2}$$O samples. In the current analysis, it was found that while the correlation time of atomic motions of S1 was similar to that of other proteins studied so far, the correlation time of F-actin was shorter than S1. Furthermore, F-actin had a population of the atoms undergoing diffusive motions with larger amplitudes than S1. These results suggest that F-actin is more flexible than other proteins including S1.



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