※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Isotope-selective ionization utilizing field-free alignment of isotopologues with a train of femtosecond laser pulses


赤木 浩; 笠嶋 辰也*; 熊田 高之   ; 板倉 隆二; 横山 淳; 長谷川 宗良*; 大島 康裕*

Akagi, Hiroshi; Kasajima, Tatsuya*; Kumada, Takayuki; Itakura, Ryuji; Yokoyama, Atsushi; Hasegawa, Hirokazu*; Oshima, Yasuhiro*

等核二原子分子の同位体分子の2成分混合物に対する、フェムト秒パルス列による分子整列を用いた同位体選択的イオン化を提案する。質量数$$alpha$$および$$beta$$の原子核2つからなる等核二原子分子の同位体分子に対し、パルスの時間間隔をT$$_{com}$$ = $$beta$$ T($$alpha$$) = $$alpha$$ T($$beta$$)、[T($$alpha$$)およびT($$beta$$)は回転周期]とすると、2つの同位体分子の分子整列が同時に成立する。窒素の同位体分子($$^{14}$$N$$_{2}$$および$$^{15}$$N$$_{2}$$)に対して実証実験を行い、最後のフェムト秒パルスからT$$_{com}$$/2後の直前には$$^{14}$$N$$_{2}$$が整列、$$^{15}$$N$$_{2}$$が反整列し、T$$_{com}$$/2の直後にはその反対の状態が生成した。そのタイミングでもう1パルス、フェムト秒パルスを照射し、各同位体分子を非共鳴多光子イオン化した。イオン収量比I($$^{15}$$N$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$)/I($$^{14}$$N$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$)が0.49-2.00まで変化し、以前の1パルスによる分子整列を用いた結果より変動幅が大きくなった。

We propose a strategy of isotope-selective ionization for a binary mixture of isotopologues of homonuclear diatomic molecules, utilizing field-free alignment with a train of femtosecond laser pulses. Field-free alignment can be achieved simultaneously for two isotopologues consisting of two atoms with the same atomic mass number $$alpha$$ or $$beta$$, utilizing a pulse train with their time interval of T$$_{com}$$ = $$beta$$ T($$alpha$$) = $$alpha$$ T($$beta$$), where T($$alpha$$) and T($$beta$$) are the rotational revival times of the isotopologues. We demonstrate experimentally that a train of four alignment pulses with their interval of T$$_{com}$$ ($$alpha$$ = 14, $$beta$$ = 15) creates transiently aligned $$^{14}$$N$$_{2}$$ and anti-aligned $$^{15}$$N$$_{2}$$ just before T$$_{com}$$/2 after the last pulse, and vice versa just after T$$_{com}$$/2. Highly isotope-selective N$$_{2}$$ ionization is achieved at these timings with another femtosecond laser pulse, which induces the non-resonant multiphoton ionization with the cross section remarkably depending on the angle between the molecular axis and the laser electric field direction. The ion yield ratio I($$^{15}$$N$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$)/I($$^{14}$$N$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$) ranges from 0.49 to 2.00, which is wider than the range obtained with single alignment pulse.



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