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Evaluation of the flowsheet with TDdDGA by counter-current trials using mixer-settlers and centrifugal contactors


佐野 雄一   ; 木部 智; 坂本 淳志  ; 竹内 正行 ; 鈴木 英哉; 津幡 靖宏   ; 松村 達郎  

Sano, Yuichi; Kibe, Satoshi; Sakamoto, Atsushi; Takeuchi, Masayuki; Suzuki, Hideya; Tsubata, Yasuhiro; Matsumura, Tatsuro


The flowsheet with TDdDGA extractant for recovering MA(III) from PUREX raffinate was evaluated by counter-current trials with surrogate PUREX raffinate using mixer-settlers and centrifugal contactors. The extraction and back-extraction of Ln(III) which show the similar tendencies as MA(III) could be achieved successfully, especially their back-extraction proceeded more efficiently in centrifugal contactors, which might be due to superior phase separation performance of centrifugal contactors.



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