Study on spray cooling capability for spent fuel pool at coolant loss accident, 1; Research plan
使用済み燃料プール冷却水喪失事故時スプレー冷却性能に関する研究,1; 研究計画
Liu, W.; 永武 拓
; 柴田 光彦
; 小泉 安郎; 吉田 啓之
; 根本 義之
; 加治 芳行

Liu, W.; Nagatake, Taku; Shibata, Mitsuhiko; Koizumi, Yasuo; Yoshida, Hiroyuki; Nemoto, Yoshiyuki; Kaji, Yoshiyuki
The Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident asks that the accident management of the LOCA in the SFPs must be considered to avoid occurrences of severe accident in the SFPs. To prevent the failure of the spent fuel assemblies at the LOCA, transportable spray systems are expected to be put into use to discharge water into fuel assemblies to moderate the temperature increase. To apply the spray system as a countermeasure for the LOCA of the SFP, the capability of the spray cooling system must be evaluated to keep the spent fuel rods safety. JAEA has started the research project to investigate the spray cooling capability for the SFP. In this research project, we aim to construct a numerical simulation method for evaluating the capability of the spray cooling. To develop the method, the basic key phenomena that affect the cooling performance must be clarified and the validation data required for the code development. To clarify the basic key phenomena that affect the cooling performance, that is, the CCFL and the drop size effect on the CCFL, and to obtain the code validation data, we are planning to carry out 2 experiments with two test sections, the spray visualization experiment and the spray cooling experiment. The spray visualization test section aims to get CCFL data in air-water two-phase flow and to understand the two-phase flow behavior over the upper tie plate. The spray cooling test section aims to get the CCFL data in steam-water two-phase flow and to obtain the validation data. This paper focus on the outline of the research plan for the whole research project.