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Online coupling of two-phase flow solvent extraction microfluidics with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry


Do, V. K.  ; 山本 昌彦   ; 田口 茂郎 ; 久野 剛彦 ; 駿河谷 直樹 

Do, V. K.; Yamamoto, Masahiko; Taguchi, Shigeo; Kuno, Takehiko; Surugaya, Naoki


A direct coupling of two-phase flow solvent extraction microfluidics with ICP-MS for element-selective analysis is successfully established. Two-phase flow in microchannels of two combined glass chips for continuous extraction and back-extraction is stabilized through balancing the pressure by using an external coiled tube that functions as a flow resistor. The difference of fluid flow rate between microchannels and ICP-MS is adjusted by a proposed interface system including T-junction mixer and a switching valve. An online measurement of rhenium is successfully demonstrated. The calibration curve for Re is carried out in the range of 1 $$mu$$g/L to 20 $$mu$$g/L. The limit of detection is 0.2 $$mu$$g/L with a needed sample volume of one milliliter. Total time including extraction, back-extraction, and measurement is less than one hour. The development of the online coupling is a first step towards future applications to the selective measurement of highly radioactive elements.



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分野:Chemistry, Analytical



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