HTTRを用いた崩壊熱最適評価手法の適用性確認試験(非核加熱試験); 原子炉の残留熱除熱特性評価モデルの検証
Applicability confirmation test of optimum decay heat evaluation method for HTGR with HTTR (Non-nuclear heating test); Validation of residual heat evaluation model
本多 友貴; 稲葉 良知 ; 中川 繁昭 ; 山崎 和則; 小林 正一; 青野 哲也; 柴田 大受 ; 石塚 悦男
Honda, Yuki; Inaba, Yoshitomo; Nakagawa, Shigeaki; Yamazaki, Kazunori; Kobayashi, Shoichi; Aono, Tetsuya; Shibata, Taiju; Ishitsuka, Etsuo
Decay heat is one of an important factor for a safety evaluation of depressurized loss-of-forced cooling accident, a representative high consequence accident, in high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR). Traditionally, a conservative decay heat curve is used for safety analysis according to the regulatory standards. On the other hand, there is growing interest in obtaining test data related to decay heat for the use of uncertainty analysis. However, such data has not been obtained for prismatic-type HTGR. Therefore, we have launched a test program to obtain the decay heat data from the HTTR. As an initial step, an applicability confirmation test of decay heat evaluation method for HTGR was conducted in February 2017 without non-nuclear heating condition. This report introduces an estimation method for the decay heat based on test data using HTTR and shows the results of validation of the reactor residual heat evaluation method which will be used to obtain the decay heat data based on test data.