Development of an ultra compact device using liquid electrode plasma for radioactive element analysis
Do, V. K.
; 山本 昌彦
; 田口 茂郎
; 久野 剛彦
; 駿河谷 直樹
; 高村 禅*
Do, V. K.; Yamamoto, Masahiko; Taguchi, Shigeo; Kuno, Takehiko; Surugaya, Naoki; Takamura, Yuzuru*
Commercial ICP AES is often applied for analysis of radioactive nuclides present in the waste stream. However, the instrument is bulky with auxiliary equipment. Consequently, it is difficult to maintain or replace those instruments in a shielded cell or a glove box. A novel liquid electrode plasma (LEP) would be a suitable option instead of ICP. LEP is compact to be easily installed, maintained and operated in a shielded cell or a glove box because the method does not require plasma gas, a nebulizer or large power supply. LEP allows only
L-level waste emission due to the use of microchannel. In the study, we utilized LEP as an excitation source for analysis of radioactive nuclides. The newly installed instrument was characterized by determining cesium and strontium in a highly active waste simulated sample. The obtained result is promising for further application of LEP in the field of radiochemical analysis.