Probabilistic risk assessment method development for high temperature gas-cooled reactors, 2; Development of accident sequence analysis methodology
高温ガス炉の確率論的リスク評価手法の開発,2; 事故シーケンス評価手法の開発
松田 航輔*; 村松 健*; 牟田 仁*; 佐藤 博之 ; 西田 明美 ; 大橋 弘史 ; 糸井 達哉*; 高田 毅士* ; 肥田 剛典*; 田辺 雅幸*; 山本 剛*; 嶋田 秀充*; 池田 孝夫*
Matsuda, Kosuke*; Muramatsu, Ken*; Muta, Hitoshi*; Sato, Hiroyuki; Nishida, Akemi; Ohashi, Hirofumi; Itoi, Tatsuya*; Takada, Tsuyoshi*; Hida, Takenori*; Tanabe, Masayuki*; Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi*; Shimada, Hidemitsu*; Ikeda, Takao*
This paper proposes a set of procedures for accident sequence analysis in seismic PRAs of HTGRs that can consider the unique accident progression characteristics of HTGRs. Main features of our proposed procedure are as follows: (1) Systematic analysis techniques including Master Logic Diagrams are used to ensure reasonable completeness in identification of initiating events and classification of accident sequences, (2) Information on factors that govern the accident progression and source terms are effectively reflected to the construction of event trees for delineation of accident sequences, and (3) Frequency quantification of seismically-initiated accident sequence frequencies that involve multiplepipe ruptures are made with the use of the Direct Quantification of Fault Trees by Monte Carlo (DQFM) method by a computer code SECOM-DQFM.