※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Effect of O/A ratio on extraction performance of centrifugal contactor


坂本 淳志  ; 佐野 雄一   ; 竹内 正行 ; 渡部 雅之; 小泉 健治 

Sakamoto, Atsushi; Sano, Yuichi; Takeuchi, Masayuki; Watanabe, Masayuki; Koizumi, Kenji


The effects of O/A ratio on extraction and back extraction performances of uranium in the centrifugal contactor were investigated to apply the same to the co-processing process. The centrifugal contactor was applied to the uranium extraction process with a high stage efficiency in conditions with a wide range of O/A ratios. The back extraction of uranium was achieved at an O/A ratio of less than 2 by the centrifugal contactor. In this condition, the behavior of uranium was evaluated by MIXSET-X with 90$$sim$$100% stage efficiency.



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