※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Effect of amide group and ether chain in diglycolamic acid-type extractants on extraction performance


杉田 剛   ; 藤原 伊織*; 岡村 浩之   ; 大島 達也*; 馬場 由成*; 長縄 弘親  ; 下条 晃司郎   

Sugita, Tsuyoshi; Fujiwara, Iori*; Okamura, Hiroyuki; Oshima, Tatsuya*; Baba, Yoshinari*; Naganawa, Hirochika; Shimojo, Kojiro


The extractant plays a key role in solvent extraction. Previous studies reveal that acidic extractant with tridentate structure, DGAA, has superior extraction performance for various metal ions. in this study, to investigate a effect of each functional group in DGAA-type extractant, we carried out are synthesis and evaluation of analogous extractants of DGAA. In the result, the secondary amide-type DGAA tended to provide better extraction for relatively small-sized metal ions than tertiary amide-type DGAA, and the thioether chain-type DGAA showed superior extraction ability for soft metal ions compared to ether chain-type DGAA.



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