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リスクコミュニケーション実施上の課題の研究; 平成28年度(委託研究)

Research of the tasks on risk communication enforcement in fiscal year 2016 (Contract research)

田中 勝*; 河原 長美*; 石坂 薫*; 大畑 ゆき*; 福池 伊織*; 川瀬 啓一 ; 時澤 孝之; 宮川 洋*; 石森 有  

Tanaka, Masaru*; Kawara, Osami*; Ishizaka, Kaoru*; Ohata, Yuki*; Fukuike, Iori*; Kawase, Keiichi; Tokizawa, Takayuki; Miyagawa, Hiroshi*; Ishimori, Yuu


In the 2016 fiscal year, communication cases on general waste disposal facility construction plans in recent years were surveyed. Results suggested as follows: (1) Existing long-term relationships or agreements in local area promote local accepting. (2) An operator needs to consider alternative plans and explain reasons for the decision making to local stakeholders. (3) Even after first announcement of a new plan, an operator needs to review the plan depending on local concerns. (4) Announcement of a new plan will activate communications on local development including the site redevelopment.



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