Transition of near surface resistivity of tunnel wall during drift closure test
尾崎 裕介 ; 石橋 正祐紀; 松下 智昭*; 升元 一彦*; 今里 武彦*
Ozaki, Yusuke; Ishibashi, Masayuki; Matsushita, Tomoaki*; Masumoto, Kazuhiko*; Imasato, Takehiko*
In the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory, Groundwater REcoverty Experiment in Tunnel (GREET) is performed to understanding the recovery process of geological environment after the closure of drift. In this experiment, we performed 2D electrical resistivity surveys three times. First survey was performed before the closure of test drift. Second and third surveys were performed after the closure test. The first survey detected two layers conformation that consists of conductive and resistive zones at shallower and deeper part from the drift surface, respectively. These layers correspond to the shotcrete and host rock, respectively. Second and third measurements show that the conductive zone expanded to deeper resistive part while the shallower conductive part did not change. We concluded that we captured the saturation process of dried fractures near the drift wall by closure of drift as an electrical resistivity response.