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Inner structure and inclusions in radiocesium-bearing microparticles emitted in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident


奥村 大河*; 山口 紀子*; 土肥 輝美   ; 飯島 和毅  ; 小暮 敏博*

Okumura, Taiga*; Yamaguchi, Noriko*; Dohi, Terumi; Iijima, Kazuki; Kogure, Toshihiro*

2011年に起きた福島第一原子力発電所事故により環境中に放射性Cs含有微粒子(CsMP)が放出された。CsMPは事故時に原子炉内で形成されたため、その内部構造や組成は粒子形成時の炉内環境を反映していると考えられる。そこで本研究では、電子顕微鏡(TEM)を用いてCsMPの内部構造を調べた。その結果、いくつかのCsMPではZnやFe, Csが粒子内に不均一に分布していた。またCsMP内部に含有されたサブミクロンの結晶には2価鉄が含まれていたことから、CsMPがある程度還元的な雰囲気で形成されたことが示唆された。さらにCsMPにホウ素は含まれていないことがわかった。

Radiocesium-bearing microparticles (CsMPs), consisting substantially of silicate glass, were released to the environment during the Fukushima nuclear accident in March 2011. We investigated a total of nine CsMPs using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and inferred the atmosphere in the reactors during the accident. From elemental mapping using energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry, Fe and Zn showing radial inhomogeneities were found in the CsMPs, in addition to the Cs that had been previously reported. Four of the CsMPs included submicron crystals, which were identified as chromite, franklinite, acanthite, molybdenite, and hessite. The chromium-containing spinels, chromite and franklinite, indicated the presence of ferrous iron (Fe$$^{2+}$$), suggesting that the inside of the reactors was reductive to some extent. Electron energy-loss spectroscopy also confirmed that the CsMPs did not contain boron, and therefore the atmosphere in which they were formed might be boron-free.



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