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Development of field estimation technique and improvement of environmental tritium behavior model


横山 須美*; 高橋 知之*; 太田 雅和  ; 柿内 秀樹*; 杉原 真司*; 平尾 茂一*; 百島 則幸*; 玉利 俊哉*; 島 長義*; 安藤 麻里子  ; 福谷 哲*; 仲宗根 俊也*; 古川 雅英*; 田中 将裕*; 赤田 尚史*

Yokoyama, Sumi*; Takahashi, Tomoyuki*; Ota, Masakazu; Kakiuchi, Hideki*; Sugihara, Shinji*; Hirao, Shigekazu*; Momoshima, Noriyuki*; Tamari, Toshiya*; Shima, Nagayoshi*; Atarashi-Andoh, Mariko; Fukutani, Satoshi*; Nakasone, Shunya*; Furukawa, Masahide*; Tanaka, Masahiro*; Akata, Naofumi*


The Large Helical Device of the National Institute for Fusion Science started D-D experiments in 2017. To ensure the safety of the facility, it is important to develop evaluation methods for environmental tritium transfer. Tritiated water (HTO) in atmosphere and soil is transferred to plants, and organically bound tritium (OBT) is formed by photosynthesis. Prediction of OBT formation is important, because OBT accumulates in plants and causes dose through ingestion. The objective of this study is to estimate environmental tritium transfer using a simple compartment model and practical parameters. We proposed a simple compartment model consisting of air-soil-plant components, and tried to validate the model by comparison with a sophisticated model, SOLVEG. In this study, we plan to add wet deposition to the model and obtain parameters from measurements of soil permeability and tritium concentrations in air, soil and plants. We also establish rapid pretreatment methods for OBT analysis.



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