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Alkali salt assisted Cs-desorption and crystal growth from Cs-adsorbed biotite

長谷川 友里  ; 本田 充紀   ; 鈴木 伸一; 矢板 毅

Hasegawa, Yuri; Honda, Mitsunori; Suzuki, Shinichi; Yaita, Tsuyoshi

環境回復において、放射性Cs汚染土壌の減容や再生利用技術の開発は重要である。汚染土壌の主成分である風化黒雲母(weathered biotite: WB)を比較的低温(約700$$^{circ}$$C)でアルカリ塩と加熱することで、Cs除去と同時に、エレクトロニクス材料や触媒としての利用可能な複数種の結晶鉱物(Fe$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$等)を含む複合体が得られることが分かった。これを利用し効果的な結晶創成が可能になれば、環境回復の促進が期待できる。そこで本研究では、汚染土壌からのCs除去と結晶創成における選択性や機能性の付与を目的とし、より結晶性の良好な黒雲母(biotite)基板を利用することで反応機構の解明を試みた。

For environmental restoration, recycling of radioactive polluted soil has been one the latest issues. Recently, elimination of radioactive elements accompanied by growth of various crystal structures from a typical mineral in the Fukushima area was reported to be realized only by heating it with alkali salt. Since crystals with useful electronic property is possibly obtained with this processing, improvement of the processing is required to make the crystals available as more feasible materials. However, crystal growth from minerals has hardly been studied since low crystalinity of the natural soil has hindered structural analysis. Therefore, in this study, the initial stage of the crystal growth using minerals with high crystalinity was investigated.



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