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Role of retained austenite in low alloy steel at low temperature monitored by neutron diffraction


山下 享介; 諸岡 聡  ; Harjo, S.   ; 川崎 卓郎   ; 古賀 紀光*; 梅澤 修*

Yamashita, Takayuki; Morooka, Satoshi; Harjo, S.; Kawasaki, Takuro; Koga, Norimitsu*; Umezawa, Osamu*

${it In situ}$ neutron diffraction measurements during tensile tests at low temperatures of a low alloy steel containing retained austenite have been performed. Evolutions of phase fractions and phase stresses were analyzed and discussed with the progress of deformation. The role of austenite in the steel during deformation at low temperatures was observed not to directly in the contribution to the strengths but in the improvement of the elongation by transformation of austenite to martensite -and in the increasing of the work-hardening rate by an increase in the phase fraction of martensite and the work hardening of martensite.



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分野:Nanoscience & Nanotechnology



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