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Sedimentary facies and radiocarbon ages of the alluvial-fan toes at the eastern foot of the Yoro Mountain

堀 和明*; 中西 利典; Hong, W.*; 中島 礼*

Hori, Kazuaki*; Nakanishi, Toshimichi; Hong, W.*; Nakashima, Rei*

養老山脈東麓の土石流扇状地末端において、ボーリングコア堆積物の層相や堆積年代に基づいて、過去の土石流に関する評価を試みる。また、コア堆積物において同じ層準に認められた陸源植物片と海生の貝殻片の放射性炭素年代を測定して、完新世における海洋リザーバー効果についても検討した。合計4本のコアを検討して、3本のコアで4070cal BP以降にのべ9層の粗粒な堆積物が認められた、また、2本コアで平均約400年(n=13)と平均約330年(n=12)の海洋リザーバー効果を認定した。

Event sediments by debris flows were evaluated based on the sedimentary facies and radiocarbon ages of four sediment cores from the eastern foot of the alluvial fan toes at the eastern foot of the Yoro Mountains. In addition, the marine reservoir effect (MRE) in the Holocene was measured by the offset of radiocarbon ages between terrestrial plant fragments and marine shell fragments found in the same stratum in the core sediments. On the results, nine coarse sediment were observed after 4070 cal BP in three cores. The average of MRE, ca 400 years (n = 13) and ca 330 years (n = 12), were identified on two cores.



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