An Unreported precipitate orientation relationship in Al-Zn-Mg based alloys
Bendo, A.*; 松田 健二*; Lervik, A.*; 都留 智仁
; 西村 克彦*; 布村 紀男*; Holmestad, R.*; Marioara, C. D.*; 清水 一行*; 戸田 裕之*; 山口 正剛

Bendo, A.*; Matsuda, Kenji*; Lervik, A.*; Tsuru, Tomohito; Nishimura, Katsuhiko*; Nunomura, Norio*; Holmestad, R.*; Marioara, C. D.*; Shimizu, Kazuyuki*; Toda, Hiroyuki*; Yamaguchi, Masatake
析出物の観察を、電子線回折, 明視野透過型電子顕微鏡、及び、原子スケール走査透過型電子顕微鏡イメージングの組合せを用いて行った。その結果、
Characterization of precipitates in Al-Zn-Mg alloys, using a combination of electron diffraction, bright field transmission electron microscopy and atomic scale scanning transmission electron microscopy imaging revealed the presence of an unreported 
orientation relationship between the
phase and the Al lattice with the following orientation relationship (0001)
and (
, plate on (120)
. The precipitate interfaces were observed and analyzed along two projections 90
to one-another. The precipitate coarsening was through the common thickening ledge mechanism. The ledges were significantly stepped along one lateral direction. An interface relaxation model using density functional theory was carried out to explain the precipitate behavior.