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Development of local-scale high-resolution atmospheric dispersion model using Large-Eddy Simulation, 6; Introduction of detailed dose calculation method

Large-Eddy Simulationを用いた局所域高分解能大気拡散モデルの開発,6; 詳細線量計算手法の導入

中山 浩成   ; 佐藤 大樹   ; 永井 晴康  ; 寺田 宏明   

Nakayama, Hiromasa; Satoh, Daiki; Nagai, Haruyasu; Terada, Hiroaki


We introduced a detailed dose calculation method considering building shielding effects into LOcal-scale High-resolution atmospheric DIspersion Model using LES (LOHDIM-LES). To estimate quickly and accurately dose distributions considering shielding effects of buildings, we employed the calculation method using dose-response matrices which were evaluated by photon transport simulations with Particle and Heavy-Ion Transport code System (PHITS). Compared to the air dose rate data obtained from monitoring posts in an actual nuclear facility, it was shown that the calculated dose rate is reasonably simulated well. It is concluded that LOHDIM-LES equipped with the calculation method using dose-response matrices can reasonably estimate the air dose rates considering shielding effects of individual buildings and structures.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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