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Selective removal of radiocesium from micaceous clay for post-accident soil decontamination by temperature-controlled Mg-leaching in a column


Yin, X.; Zhang, L.*; Meng, C.*; 稲葉 優介*; Wang, X.*; 二田 郁子; 駒 義和  ; 竹下 健二*

Yin, X.; Zhang, L.*; Meng, C.*; Inaba, Yusuke*; Wang, X.*; Nitta, Ayako; Koma, Yoshikazu; Takeshita, Kenji*

The effective and efficient removal of radioactive Cs from contaminated soil is highly urgent for the nuclear post-accident remediation. In present study, we achieved rapid Cs desorption from both a typical micaceous clay (i.e., vermiculitized biotite, VB) and actually contaminated soil by high-speed ion exchange through temperature-controlled continuous leaching with Mg-solutions in a column reactor. Cs-sorbed VB was firstly employed as a soil surrogate to explore the macro-Cs desorption process and micro-mechanism in detail.



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分野:Engineering, Environmental



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