※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Environmental monitoring of trace elements and evaluation of environmental impacts to organisms near a former uranium mining site in Nigyo-toge, Japan


寳來 佐和子*; 村上 翔一*; 迫田 晃弘   ; 中下 留美子*; 國末 達也*; 石森 有  

Horai, Sawako*; Murakami, Shoichi*; Sakoda, Akihiro; Nakashita, Rumiko*; Kunisue, Tatsuya*; Ishimori, Yuu


This study conducted an investigation of trace element behavior at a former uranium (U) mining site and evaluated environmental impacts to biota. Concentrations of trace elements were determined in sediments, water, and three organism types (insects, frogs, and newts) from three zones in the former U mining site. Concentrations of As and U in the sediments and water samples were the highest at the mill tailings pond site, where post-U extraction remnants have been accumulated. Additionally, among the organisms analyzed the highest levels of these elements/isotopes were found in newts from MP. Considering data analyses of the whole-body element concentrations, bioaccumulation factors, and $$delta$$$$^{15}$$N values for the organisms, it was concluded that newts might be the most vulnerable species in this location. Further monitoring and more accurate evaluation of the ecological impacts are preferred for this former U mining site.



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分野:Environmental Sciences



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