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 年 ~ 


NMR study of ferromagnetic superconductor URhGe under uniaxial stress

徳永 陽  ; 青木 大*; Braithwaite, D.*; Knebel, G.*; Brison, J.-P.*; Pourret, A.*; Lapertot, G.*; Niu, Q.*; Valiska, M.*; Flouquet, J.*; 酒井 宏典   ; 神戸 振作  

Tokunaga, Yo; Aoki, Dai*; Braithwaite, D.*; Knebel, G.*; Brison, J.-P.*; Pourret, A.*; Lapertot, G.*; Niu, Q.*; Valiska, M.*; Flouquet, J.*; Sakai, Hironori; Kambe, Shinsaku


Recently, uniaxial stress has been found to be a remarkable tool for tuning the pairing strength in a ferromagnetic superconductor URhGe. A relatively small uniaxial stress applied along the $$b$$ crystal axis changes the superconducting (SC) phase diagram significantly, merging the low-field SC and reentrant SC domes, with a large enhancement of $$T_{sc}$$. The $$T_{sc}$$ increases both at zero field and under a field, reaching 1 K, more than twice higher than at ambient pressure. This enhancement of SC has been shown to be directly related to a change of the magnetic dimensionality, moving the system away from the Ising-type limit, which results in the rapid decrease of the $$H_{rm R}$$. In this study, by means of zero-field $$^{73}$$Ge NMR in the ferromagnetic state, we have investigated the effects of uniaxial stress on the electronic state of URhGe.



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