※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Preparation of the particles containing isotope reference uranium for the determination of the low abundant U isotope ratios

富田 純平  ; 富田 涼平 ; 鈴木 大輔   ; 安田 健一郎   ; 宮本 ユタカ   

Tomita, Jumpei; Tomita, Ryohei; Suzuki, Daisuke; Yasuda, Kenichiro; Miyamoto, Yutaka


Precise determination of minor U isotopes ($$^{233}$$U and $$^{236}$$U) of particles from the safeguard environmental samples is powerful method for detecting the undeclared nuclear activities. In this study, preparation method of U particle was examined to utilize for the minor U isotope determination. The porous silica particles were used as the particle matrix and lutetium was mixed to the impregnation solution as U impregnation indicator for the particle picking. The result of the Scanning Electron Microscope indicated that the contacting the solution with Si particles overnight gently could produce the impregnated particles effectively rather than the mixing them with PFA stick.



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