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 年 ~ 

Radon solubility and diffusion in the skin surface layer


迫田 晃弘   ; 石田 毅*; 神崎 訓枝   ; 田中 裕史 ; 片岡 隆浩*; 光延 文裕*; 山岡 聖典*

Sakoda, Akihiro; Ishida, Tsuyoshi*; Kanzaki, Norie; Tanaka, Hiroshi; Kataoka, Takahiro*; Mitsunobu, Fumihiro*; Yamaoka, Kiyonori*


In specific situations such as bathing in a radon spa, where the radon activity concentration in thermal water is far higher than that in air, it has been revealed that radon uptake via skin can occur and should be considered for more precise dose evaluation. The primary aim of the present study was to numerically demonstrate the distribution as well as the degree of diffusion of radon in the skin, with a focus on its surface layers (i.e., stratum corneum). We made a biokinetic model that included diffusion theory at the stratum corneum, and measured radon solubility in the stratum corneum to get a crucial parameter. The implementation of the model suggested that the diffusion coefficient in the stratum corneum was as low as general radon-proof sheets. The depth profile of radon in the skin was found to be that after a 20-minute immersion in water, the radon activity concentration at the top surface skin layer was approximately 1000 times higher than that at the viable skin layer. The information on the position of radon as a radiation source would contribute to special dose evaluation where specific target cell layers are assumed for the skin.



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分野:Environmental Sciences



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