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 年 ~ 

$$^{241}$$Am neutron capture cross section in the keV region using Si and Fe-filtered neutron beams

Rovira Leveroni, G.   ; 木村 敦   ; 中村 詔司  ; 遠藤 駿典   ; 岩本 修  ; 岩本 信之  ; 片渕 竜也*; 児玉 有*; 中野 秀仁*

Rovira Leveroni, G.; Kimura, Atsushi; Nakamura, Shoji; Endo, Shunsuke; Iwamoto, Osamu; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki; Katabuchi, Tatsuya*; Kodama, Yu*; Nakano, Hideto*

The neutron capture cross-section of $$^{241}$$Am was measured in the keV neutron range using the recently implemented neutron filtering system of the Accurate Neutron-Nucleus Reaction Measurement Instrument (ANNRI) beamline in the Materials and Life Science (MLF) facility of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). Filter arrays consisting of 20 cm of $$^{nat}$$Fe and $$^{nat}$$Si were employed in separate measurements to provide filtered neutron beams with averaged neutron energies of 23.5 (Fe), 51.5 and 127.7 (Si) keV. The present $$^{241}$$Am results were obtained relative to the $$^{197}$$Au neutron capture yield by applying the total energy detection principle together with the pulse-height weighting technique. The $$^{241}$$Am neutron capture cross section was determined as 2.72 $$pm$$ 0.29 b at 23.5 keV, 2.14 $$pm$$ 0.26 b at 51.5 keV and 1.32 $$pm$$ 0.10 b at 127.7 keV with total uncertainties in the range of 8 to 12$$%$$, much lower in comparison to the latest time-of-flight experimental data available.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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