※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Displacement of hydrogen position in di-hydride of V-Ti-Cr solid solution alloys


榊 浩司*; Kim, H.*; Majzoub, E. H.*; 町田 晃彦*; 綿貫 徹*; 池田 一貴*; 大友 季哉*; 水野 正隆*; 松村 大樹   ; 中村 優美子*

Sakaki, Koji*; Kim, H.*; Majzoub, E. H.*; Machida, Akihiko*; Watanuki, Tetsu*; Ikeda, Kazutaka*; Otomo, Toshiya*; Mizuno, Masataka*; Matsumura, Daiju; Nakamura, Yumiko*

Local structure in the di-hydride phases of V-Ti-Cr solid solution alloys were investigated using synchrotron X-ray and neutron total scattering experiments. Both Rietveld refinement and pair distribution function (PDF) refinement of the X-ray scattering data indicated that the crystal structure of the metal lattice was a face centered cubic (FCC) structure and no difference between their local structure and average structure was observed. However, the CaF$$_{2}$$ structure model did not reproduce the first peak corresponding to the metal-hydrogen correlation in neutron PDF patterns. When special quasi-random structure (SQS) models are applied for the refinements, the whole neutron PDF patterns were reproduced. Distribution of interatomic distances between hydrogen and metal atoms in the relaxed SQS models showed that interatomic distance of hydrogen with Cr was shorter than that with V and that with Ti was longer than that with V, independently of the chemical compositions.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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