※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Hybridized propagation of spin waves and surface acoustic waves in a multiferroic-ferromagnetic heterostructure


Chen, J.*; 山本 慧   ; Zhang, J.*; Ma, J.*; Wang, H.*; Sun, Y.*; Chen, M.*; Ma, J.*; Liu, S.*; Gao, P.*; Yu, D.*; Ansermet, J.-P.*; Nan, C.-W.*; 前川 禎通*; Yu, H.*

Chen, J.*; Yamamoto, Kei; Zhang, J.*; Ma, J.*; Wang, H.*; Sun, Y.*; Chen, M.*; Ma, J.*; Liu, S.*; Gao, P.*; Yu, D.*; Ansermet, J.-P.*; Nan, C.-W.*; Maekawa, Sadamichi*; Yu, H.*

Coherent coupling in magnon based hybrid system has many potential applications in quantum information processing. Magnons can propagate in magnetically ordered materials without any motion of electrons, offering a unique method to build low-power-consumption devices and information channels free of heat dissipation. In this article, we demonstrate the coherent propagation of hybridized modes between spin waves and Love surface acoustic waves in a multiferroic BiFeO$$_{3}$$ and ferromagnetic La$$_{0.67}$$Sr$$_{0.33}$$MnO$$_{3}$$ based heterostructure. The magneto-elastic coupling enables a giant enhancement of strength of the hybridized mode by a factor of 26 compared to that of the pure spin waves. A short wavelength down to 250 nm is demonstrated for the hybridized mode, which is desirable for nanoscale acousto-magnonic applications. Our combined experimental and theoretical analyses represent an important step towards the coherent control in hybrid magnonics, which may inspire the study of magnon-phonon hybrid systems for coherent information processing and manipulation.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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