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 年 ~ 

Dosimetry of external exposure dose for wild Japanese macaques lived in Fukushima using tooth enamel


光安 優典*; 岡 壽崇   ; 高橋 温*; 木野 康志*; 奥津 賢一*; 関根 勉*; 山下 琢磨*; 清水 良央*; 千葉 美麗*; 鈴木 敏彦*; 小坂 健*; 佐々木 啓一*; 鈴木 正敏*; 福本 学*; 篠田 壽*

Mitsuyasu, Yusuke*; Oka, Toshitaka; Takahashi, Atsushi*; Kino, Yasushi*; Okutsu, Kenichi*; Sekine, Tsutomu*; Yamashita, Takuma*; Shimizu, Yoshinaka*; Chiba, Mirei*; Suzuki, Toshihiko*; Osaka, Ken*; Sasaki, Keiichi*; Suzuki, Masatoshi*; Fukumoto, Manabu*; Shinoda, Hisashi*


The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident in 2011 resulted in a release of radionuclides into the environment and caused chronic low-dose-rate exposure to wildlife there. Studies of the radiobiological effects by the chronic low-dose-rate exposure was limited and there is a need for accurate determination of exposure doses and further studies of radiation effects by FDNPP accident. We determined dose of wild animals mainly captured in Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture from the CO$$_{2}$$ radical intensities in tooth enamel by an electron spin resonance dosimetry.



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