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Fission of $$^{180,182,183}$$Hg* and $$^{178}$$Pt* nuclei at intermediate excitation energies


Kozulin, E. M.*; Knyazheva, G. N.*; Itkis, I. M.*; Itkis, M. G.*; Mukhamejanov, Y. S.*; Bogachev, A. A.*; Novikov, K. V.*; Kirakosyan, V. V.*; Kumar, D.*; Banerjee, T.*; Cheralu, M.*; Maiti, M.*; Prajapat, R.*; Kumar, R.*; Sarkar, G.*; Trzaska, W. H.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Harca, I. M.*; Mitu, A.*; Vardaci, E.*

Kozulin, E. M.*; Knyazheva, G. N.*; Itkis, I. M.*; Itkis, M. G.*; Mukhamejanov, Y. S.*; Bogachev, A. A.*; Novikov, K. V.*; Kirakosyan, V. V.*; Kumar, D.*; Banerjee, T.*; Cheralu, M.*; Maiti, M.*; Prajapat, R.*; Kumar, R.*; Sarkar, G.*; Trzaska, W. H.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Harca, I. M.*; Mitu, A.*; Vardaci, E.*

Asymmetric fission in the neutron-deficient Hg region was first observed about 10 years ago at ISOLDE, and caused a revision of the current understanding of fission in this region. In this work, the fission of $$^{180,182,183}$$Hg and $$^{178}$$Pd were studied using the time-of-flight spectrometer CORSET at the Flerov Laboratory in Dubna. The observed fission fragments mass distributions of the different isotopes suggest the presence of four concurrent fission modes, one symmetric and three asymmetric fission modes. The asymmetric modes differ in the total kinetic energies and fragment mass splits. These results point out the existence of a well deformed proton shell at $$Z$$=36 and a less deformed proton shell at $$Z$$=46.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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