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Field-based description of near-surface crustal deformation in a high-strain shear zone; A Case study in southern Kyushu, Japan

ひずみ集中帯における地表付近の変形の地質記載; 南九州における例

丹羽 正和   ; 島田 耕史   ; 照沢 秀司*; 後藤 翠*; 西山 成哲  ; 中嶋 徹   ; 石原 隆仙; 箱岩 寛晶

Niwa, Masakazu; Shimada, Koji; Terusawa, Shuji*; Goto, Akira*; Nishiyama, Nariaki; Nakajima, Toru; Ishihara, Takanori; Hakoiwa, Hiroaki


To investigate the geological evidence of near-surface crustal deformations in a high-strain shear zone that has been geodetically identified but not associated with clear tectonic landforms, a fieldwork was conducted in E-W trending southern Kyushu high-strain shear zone, Japan. According to our study, an investigation based on the slip data from minor faults and the occurrences of fracture zones could help to identify a concealed fault that is small in terms of size to record tectonic landforms but can trigger large earthquakes.



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分野:Geosciences, Multidisciplinary



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