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Hot cell equipment improvement effortsat Analytical Laboratory in Tokai Reprocessing Plant

石橋 篤; 舛井 健司 ; 後藤 雄一 ; 山本 昌彦   ; 田口 茂郎 ; 石川 知志*; 石川 智哉*

Ishibashi, Atsushi; Masui, Kenji; Goto, Yuichi; Yamamoto, Masahiko; Taguchi, Shigeo; Ishikawa, Satoshi*; Ishikawa, Tomoya*


An inner-box typed hot cell for analysis of highly radioactive samples has been operated for about 40 years in Tokai Reprocessing Plant since its installation in 1980. During the operation of analytical hot cell, improvement and upgrades including auxiliary equipment have been performed, in addition to keep the equipment in proper condition through periodic inspections and maintenance. This paper describes about these efforts for analytical hot cell and its results.



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