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Effects of water radiolysis on the corrosive environments of overpack at the transition period

佐藤 智徳  ; 端 邦樹 ; 五十嵐 誉廣  ; 大谷 恭平   ; 加藤 千明   

Sato, Tomonori; Hata, Kuniki; Igarashi, Takahiro; Otani, Kyohei; Kato, Chiaki


It is estimated that the outer surface of the overpack of high-level radioactive waste during the transition period of the geological disposal is exposed to the groundwater percolated into the bentonite under irradiation. So, evaluations of water radiolysis considering the contribution of bentonite is one of the important factors to understand the corrosive environment. In this study, the results of the contribution of impurities leaching from bentonite and coexistence of bentonite in the water radiolysis are reported.



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