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 年 ~ 

Detector upgrade for SENJU neutron diffractometer at J-PARC MLF

J-PARC MLFにおけるSENJU回折計用中性子検出器の高度化

中村 龍也  ; 藤 健太郎  ; 鬼柳 亮嗣  ; 大原 高志   ; 細谷 孝明; 戸邊 雅弘; 菱沼 行男*; 海老根 守澄 ; 坂佐井 馨  

Nakamura, Tatsuya; To, Kentaro; Kiyanagi, Ryoji; Ohara, Takashi; Hosoya, Takaaki; Tobe, Masahiro; Hishinuma, Yukio*; Ebine, Masumi; Sakasai, Kaoru


New detector modules have been developed based on a $$^{6}$$Li:ZnS scintillator and wavelength-shifting fibers technology to upgrade the detectors for SENJU neuron diffractometer at J-PARC MLF. The detector upgrade plan includes (1) Thin-type add-in detectors, (2) High efficiency detectors to replace the original ones, (3) a large area detector for installation under the sample vacuum tank (Large area bottom detector), and (4) One detector-bank detectors. As for (1) and (2) the detector modules have been developed with a 1.5-fold improved detection efficiency with a 50-60% smaller detector depth. 4 add-in detectors and 6 replacement detectors have been manufactured and installed to the diffractometer. The large area bottom detector that has a four-fold larger neutron-sensitive area than the original detector, has also been developed. To increase the light collection efficiency a scintillation light is collected from the both ends of the wavelength-shifting fiber. The prototype detector exhibited an acceptable count uniformity 5$$sim$$9% over the detector.



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