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Stable photoelectrochemical reactions at solid/solid interfaces toward solar energy conversion and storage


渡邊 健太*; 堀澤 侑平*; 吉本 将隆*; 田村 和久   ; 鈴木 耕太*; 菅野 了次*; 平山 雅章*

Watanabe, Kenta*; Horisawa, Yuhei*; Yoshimoto, Masataka*; Tamura, Kazuhisa; Suzuki, Kota*; Kanno, Ryoji*; Hirayama, Masaaki*


Electrochemistry has extended from reactions at solid/liquid interfaces to those at solid/solid interfaces. In this study, we achieve the stable photoelectrochemical reaction at the semiconductor-electrode/solid-electrolyte interface in Nb-doped anatase-TiO$$_{2}$$ (a-TiO$$_{2}$$:Nb)/Li$$_{3}$$PO$$_{4}$$ (LPO)/Li all-solid-state cell. The oxidative currents of a-TiO$$_{2}$$:Nb/LPO/Li increase upon light irradiation when a-TiO$$_{2}$$:Nb is located at a potential that is more positive than its flat-band potential. The photoelectrochemical reaction at the semiconductor/solid-electrolyte interface is driven by the same principle as that at semiconductor/liquid-electrolyte interfaces. Thus, we extend photoelectrochemistry to all-solid-state systems composed of solid/solid interfaces.



- Accesses




分野:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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